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Early Scouters

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Early Scouters Empty Early Scouters

Post by kosovohp Mon Dec 13, 2010 12:42 pm

Early Scouters were military officers, priests, teachers and older Scouts. Not every Scouter would apply for a Warrant, which would be required for the formal registration with the Headquarters in London. It took several months to complete the whole application process through mail. Many Scouters stayed only for a short period and opted for serving without a Warrant.[12]
In order to protect the Scouting activity and institute its constitution, the Hong Kong branch was incorporated in the Boys Scouts Association Ordinance, nr 22 of the Law of Hong Kong on 1927-12-02. After amendments in 1939, 1950, 1975 and 1997, the ordinance has become chapter 1005 of the Law of Hong Kong.[13] Waldegrave returned to England in August 1934 and, in recognition of his work for the Hong Kong branch, he was awarded the civil membership of the Order of the British Empire by His Majesty the King. A year or two prior to his retirement, the Chief Scout Baden-Powell had awarded him the highest Scout award, the Bronze Wolf. The Scout Association, Hong Kong Branch, grew to 682 members that year.

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